Making MORE mistakes

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by Tim Burdick on 07 May, 2017

You can read your story umpteen gajillion times and still you will find mistakes: A missing period. A questionable article. A line of stitled dialogue.

As I have been working with an editor, I realized, there is always something to improve in a story.


At first, I was depressed. What? A neverending edit! No!

Working through her comments, I made small and big changes. My story improved.

Below are some of the things I learned in this story's development.

Be consistent with names, capitalization, and the colors of objects.

When you write, you might use a preferred phrase again and again. (echoing)


Find and change them now. Mix it up.

Show don't tell. I know. Seriously. It is a simple truth that we, writers, always forget.

Small paragraphs create tension, even one word does the trick.

I smile because I work on my stories to share my vision with the world. So others might enjoy what I create.

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